Have you lied, even an elephant with a big? You can ask! How the hell man in a position to control such a powerful animal has to perform. Well it goes like this. A baby elephant is first taken into captivity and is tied with a strong chain to a strong tree. The baby elephant made attempts to flee, but not always many issues, and how many times he comes to his mind trying to waste, and it becomes a slave. One day, the baby elephant and there's a giant elephant with a normal cable was the elephant with a train ride with no further action, to destroy the master, or create a mess, but it does not work. This is because the climate system, it worked. The giant elephant forgets his true monstrous power.
Hi, I draw animal portraits and would like to use one of your photos (mr_baby_elephant) for a drawing - may I have permission to use it please? Many thanks, Caroline
Hi, I draw animal portraits and would like to use one of your photos (mr_baby_elephant) for a drawing - may I have permission to use it please? Many thanks, Caroline